
ESCRS Winter Meeting 2025 registration is now closed. Thanks for joining us!

ESCRS Member Registrations

If you would like to become an ESCRS member before registering, click here.

For any other registration-related enquiries, please contact us here.

Group Registrations

Group registrations can be completed within the main registration platform.


Ophthalmologist doctors from Greece and Cyprus are granted a special discount fee of € 275 (exclusive of applicable VAT).

Non-doctors should use the other relevant categories to register.


If you are a DGII Member affiliated with ESCRS, please use your Glue Up account, so you can register as a member. For this purpose, you can use the “Log in with ESCRS Member Account” button, once you are on the online registration portal.

If you are not affiliated to ESCRS Membership, please contact the DGII here to receive your code.

Members will be granted a discounted registration fee.


You can secure your accommodation during the registration process. The organisers have received very attractive rates at a number of hotels that you can take advantage of. Please note that there is limited availability.

Registration Fees

Attendance is Face-to-Face only. No hybrid component (streaming / on-demand) is available. On-demand availability for ESCRS members only through the ESCRS On-Demand Education Portal, after the Winter Meeting.

Face-to-Face Athens:
Registration Categories
Early Bird Deadline:
29 January 2025, 23:59 CET
Regular Registration Deadline:
26 February 2025, 23:59 CET
ESCRS MemberEURO 390.00
EURO 483.60 VAT incl.
EURO 440.00
EURO 545.60 VAT incl.
Non-MemberEURO 415.00
EURO 514.60 VAT incl.
EURO 475.00
EURO 589.00 VAT incl.
Special HSIOIRS fee for Ophthalmologist doctors from Greece and CyprusEURO 275.00
EURO 341.00 VAT incl.
EURO 275.00
EURO 341.00 VAT incl.
Trainee / ResidentEURO 110.00
EURO 136.40 VAT incl.
EURO 110.00
EURO 136.40 VAT incl.
Ophthalmic Nurse / TechnicianEURO 110.00
EURO 136.40 VAT incl.
EURO 110.00
EURO 136.40 VAT incl.
Allied Healthcare ProfessionalEURO 195.00
EURO 241.80 VAT incl.
EURO 220.00
EURO 272.80 VAT incl.
Researcher (Employee) from Exhibiting / Sponsoring CompaniesEURO 415.00
EURO 514.60 VAT incl.
EURO 475.00
EURO 589.00 VAT incl.
CorporateEURO 510.00
EURO 632.40 VAT incl.
EURO 615.00
EURO 762.60 VAT incl.
Exhibitor (Additional Passes)EURO 220.00
EURO 272.80 VAT incl.
EURO 220.00
EURO 272.80 VAT incl.
Surgical Skills Labs (Wetlabs)EURO 185.00
EURO 229.40 VAT incl.
EURO 185.00
EURO 229.40 VAT incl.
Medical Writer’s WorkshopFree to attend for registered participantsFree to attend for registered participants
Podium Presentation Skills WorkshopFree to attend for registered participantsFree to attend for registered participants

Included in the Registration Fee

Winter Meeting Pass – Athens:

  • Access to the Congress Centre for the duration of the Winter Meeting
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Access to all sessions ( Surgical Skills Courses and other elements as specified are subject to additional charges)
  • Meeting material
  • VAT (if applicable)

Registration Categories

ESCRS Member | Available only to current members of the ESCRS.

HSIOIRS Special Fees | Available to ophthalmologist doctors from Greece and Cyprus

ESCRS Non Member | Available to ophthalmologists and medical doctors.

Trainee (Age limit is 35) | Available to all trainees / residents under 35 years of age. A letter of verification from department chairperson or clinical supervisor is required at the time of registration, along with photo ID and proof of date of birth.

Ophthalmic Nurse / Technician | Available only to ophthalmic nurses, technicians, assistants and orthoptists. Documentation is also required for this registration type. Work ID or letter from your hospital.

Healthcare Professional | Includes optometrists, practice managers, PhDs, MBAs, healthcare administrators, office support staff, ophthalmic photographers and other healthcare professionals. Commercial representatives are not entitled to pay this fee. Documentation is also required for this registration type. Work ID or letter from your employer or hospital.

Corporate | Available to commercial representatives and corporate personnel who have a legitimate educational or business reason for attending, but do not have a product or service to exhibit. No solicitation is permitted. Employees of exhibiting companies are not entitled to pay this fee and must register via the relevant contact from their company.

Terms and Conditions

Please review the Terms and Conditions carefully. You can find them here.


The official registration and housing bureau for the ESCRS Winter Meeting 2025 Athens is MCI Suisse SA and you should only trust information from legitimate sources like the ESCRS website, the official Congress and Winter Meeting websites, and MCI website.

It is important to be aware that you may be contacted by phone or email, or see advertising, by unauthorised individuals or companies that act as travel agencies, wholesalers, or destination management companies to solicit you with aggressive or deceptive tactics for registrations.

They may also misrepresent themselves as the official registration and housing bureau and may illegally use the Winter Meeting name or logo. Please be aware that such companies do not represent ESCRS or MCI and are not mandated to act on their behalf.

If you are contacted by someone asking if you need to register to the ESCRS Winter Meeting 2025 Athens or asking if you need a room, please do not complete your registration and/or room booking with such entities and do not process any of the payments they may request.

Registrations purchased in this manner will not give access to the ESCRS Winter Meeting 2025 Athens.

If possible, please obtain as much information as you can, such as the name of the company, the person calling and their telephone number – then contact MCI Suisse SA here.

Should you require further information or want to confirm the legitimacy of any deals or services related to the Winter Meeting, please feel free to get in touch with us.


MCI is the official mandated organising bureau for this event.

You may be contacted by phone, fax, or email by third party companies that act as travel agencies, wholesalers, or destination management companies with aggressive or deceptive tactics to solicit you for services or information.

Exhibiting and sponsoring companies may also be contacted fraudulently to obtain delegate lists for payment. Under applicable GDPR regulations, ESCRS will not sell any delegate lists to any entity.

If you are contacted by companies unrelated to ESCRS, the ESCRS Winter Meetings or the ESCRS Annual Congresses or if they represent themselves as the official Congress Secretariat for ESCRS Meetings and Congresses, please obtain as much information as you can, such as the name of the company, the person calling and their telephone number, and then contact MCI at +41 22 33 99 576 or email

Before you register, how about becoming an ESCRS member?

If you sign up now, you can save on your Winter Meeting registration fee!
Among many educational and networking benefits, you will gain access to exclusive recorded content from previous meetings.